Visceral & Neural Manipulation target areas of deep restriction in and around the body tissues and structures, including the organs, brain, nerves, spine, bones, ligaments & fascia of the joints, and the fascia of the muscles.
The fascia will pull into an area of restriction. I "listen" to and follow this lead and help the restricted tissue to release and restore proper movement which then improves function.
Following the body's lead is how we get the best results.
The body has an amazing ability to self-correct but sometimes it needs a little help. Using the techniques developed by osteopath Jean-Pierre Barral, D.O. I listen to the fascial pull of the body, go where it leads into these areas of restrictions, help it release, and encourage the natural movement and vitality of the tissues and organs.
The body may lead to areas of restriction that are not the same areas where you experience pain or other symptoms. The body is a profoundly complicated structure with many intricately connected parts. It knows what it needs better than we do; when we learn to listen to what it says and follow its lead, we get the best results.
There is no limit to the potential benefits of this work due to the connectedness of the body and dynamic interplay of all its parts.
Manual Lymph Drainage Therapy is a another manual therapy that is gentle yet very effective. This therapy aids and stimulates the movement of lymph fluid through the body, from within the tissues where it is created by the fascia to the blood system near the heart where it ends.
Lymph is a cleansing fluid that moves through the body; nearly every tissue and organ has lymph fluid and vessels. There are also hundreds of lymph nodes throughout the body and organs. The lymph fluid washes the tissues, cleaning out metabolic waste & debris, bacterial fragments, toxins, etc. then gets directed through the lymph nodes where the fluid is purified by the variety of immune cells held there.
There are more vessels leading in to the lymph nodes than the vessels that take the cleansed fluid out, so it is fairly common for the system to get a little back-logged in these areas. Eventually the lymph fluid joins the blood system near the heart.
Lymph fluid moves primarily with our movement, deep breathing, and oxygenated cells. There is no muscle pump to move this fluid like the blood system has. It is therefore imperative that we be intentional about moving our bodies as well as learning effective breathing techniques.
Manual Lymph Drainage Therapy was developed by Dr. Bruno Chikly, M.D. Dr Chikly has done extensive and thorough research on the human lymphatic system, learning how to feel each person's individual lymph flow and where it is congested or stagnated. He teaches how to individualize the therapy to each person, how to support what the body is already doing to manage the process, and how to work with the lymph fluid, vessels and surrounding fascia to help release restrictions, resolve congestion and get the lymph moving again.
Manual Lymph Drainage Therapy targets the superficial flow of lymph as well as the deeper pathways. The brain, nerves, and organs all have lymph nodes and vessels throughout the systems to keep these tissues functioning optimally. When lymph gets congested and stagnant, we develop symptoms and our general health declines.
Things that contribute to slowed or stagnant lymph flow includes: injuries, accidents, surgeries, infections, acute & chronic health conditions, lack of body movement, and consuming highly processed foods.
Manual Lymph Drainage Therapy is used to improve many body conditions and is also used on a regular basis to maintain chronic conditions such as lymphedema and lipoedema. It has been shown to speed healing after injuries and surgeries.
Due to the vastness of the lymph system and its vessels and nodes throughout nearly all the body's tissues and organs, aiding lymph flow manually has been shown to improve a myriad of health conditions that involve every single body system.
Simply put, these therapies are profound.
I have personally experienced much benefit from receiving treatments of visceral manipulation, neural manipulation, vascular manipulation, deep brain work, and manual lymph therapy. It is my desire to learn as much as I can about these and other therapies so that I may offer similar benefits to others.
These therapies have the potential to get results where other therapies have failed. The key is being specific and precise in listening to the body's communication, going where it leads, and supporting and encouraging its innate ability to self-heal.
In order for you to experience the best results of these (and any) manual therapies, you must commit to your own well-being.
There are many things that you can do in your everyday life that will improve your health and wellness and help you feel and function better.
One key thing is to move your body intentionally. Every day!
Movement is crucial for our health and well-being.
If you are not intentionally including movement in your daily routine, then any therapy will be limited in its effectiveness.