Things that have been found to improve people's overall health and wellness include:
♦ Drink appropriate amounts of water.
♦ Proper nutrition -- vitamins, minerals -- and consuming enough of these nutrients to make a difference in the body.
♦ Develop & maintain healthy relationships & have meaningful connections & conversations with other people.
♦ Establish healthy boundaries in your relationships - with yourself, with others, with your job, etc.
♦ Learn & regularly practice breath techniques that allow you to breathe deeply -- to expand the lower areas of the lungs as well as to breathe in a way that activates your parasympathetic nervous system (the "rest, digest, repair, rejuvenate" part of our nervous system).
♦ Laugh daily -- Deep, hearty, belly laughter! This is so good for the mind, body, and soul on so many levels!
♦ Avoid highly processed foods, fried foods, seed oils (veg oils).
♦ Avoid artificial dyes & preservatives.
♦ Avoid alcohol, cigarettes, and chocolate (yes, chocolate -JPB has found that chocolate is one thing that consistently reduces the vitality of the organs & stops their natural energetic movement).
♦ Limit exposure to environmental toxins -- these include harmful chemicals found in fragrances, common household products, skincare products, agricultural chemicals, indoor molds, heavy metals, and more. We live in a toxic world and there is much that we cannot control, so what we can control, we must.
♦ The Environmental Working Group is a great resource for understanding some of the toxicity that we are exposed to on a daily basis -- in the air, food, soil, and water.
♦ Visit EWG's SkinDeep Database for personal care products to identify which products are known to be toxic containing ingredients harmful to our health.
♦ Visit EWG's Tap Water Database for information about some of the toxins found in tap water across the country and the best filters to be using to minimize what you are consuming.